Acacia Place, 677 Victoria St. Abbotsford
Acacia Place, 677 Victoria St. Abbotsford - CHS

19. Haven development site: Acacia Place

Former Honeywell site, former site of Henry Walker’s soap factory. A John Boehme had a tallow works on this site prior to Walker taking over in the 1860s. Henry Walker was another Yorkshireman, the proprietor of the Hobson’s Bay Soap and Candle Company, and became a long-serving Collingwood councillor, occupying the mayoral seat in 1873, 1875, 1878-79, 1880-81, and 1887-88. He was also a Justice of the Peace and chairman of the local bench for many years. He held a long lease on this land which was owned by Peter Nettleton. At his death in 1900 the property included a brick house, two old weatherboard cottages, and an area ‘let as a Chinese garden’ (i.e. market garden conducted by Chinese people).

by CollingwoodHS on July 29, 2018

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