Advertising sign for Robur tea, near 68 Macpherson Street, North Carlton
Advertising sign for Robur tea, near 68 Macpherson Street, North Carlton - CCHG

Advertising sign for Robur Tea, Macpherson Street, North Carlton

According to this advertisement, Robur tea “peps you UP” and “keeps you YOUNG!” The caffeine content of tea, while not as high as coffee, could account for the “pep” factor and tea contains antioxidants, which are claimed to delay the ageing process. The brick wall that features the advertising signage faces what was originally the back yard of a grocer’s shop, on the corner of Canning and Macpherson Streets. The brick corner shop, together with a cellar and stables, was built for grocer Carlo Pescia in 1883. The adjoining house on the west side of the wall, now numbered 68 Macpherson Street, was built in 1887 and was subdivided from the shop and yard in 1924. The shop has had a variety of business uses during its history, including a dairy produce merchant, confectioner and fruiterer. It is now a naturopath’s practice and private residence.

by cchg on Sept. 28, 2018

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