People queueing outside the MCG to see David Bowie
People queueing outside the MCG to see David Bowie - Bruce Butler,

MCG gate 3: the 'Bowie Queue(s)' 1978

On Saturday 23 September 1978, tickets went onsale for David Bowie shows in Melbourne, which had extraordinary significance for Melbourne punk and new wave music in the following years (to the present day). Bruce Butler writes extensively (and with many great pictures!) of the significance of the 'Bowie queue' at - see also the postscript noting that 'Berry Street and the Bowie queue did not co-exist as they did in the movie. This was a plot convenience (Berry Street came later)... [but] this was where many of the friendships were first established, eventually leading to the Richmond terrace house and several of the friendships that still exist today.' Note there were two 'Bowie queues' - one for tickets, and one for the actual show! Both were feats of endurance.

by davidnichols on Oct. 6, 2018

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