Lewis & Whitty’s Blacking Factory, 52-54 Charles Street
Lewis & Whitty’s Blacking Factory, 52-54 Charles Street - Fitzroy Industrial Walk

Lewis & Whitty’s Blacking Factory, 52-54 Charles Street

This building was built for the firm of Lewis & Whitty in about 1880. Lewis & Whitty were prominent boot blacking manufacturers as well as a number of other chemical products such as “Odourbane" disinfectant. They later had another factory in Alexandra Parade, Clifton Hill. By 1910, a wire mattress manufacturer, Edward H. Luxford was occupying the building, and by 1920 he was sharing it with Parsons & Lewis, hair dealers. By 1941, Nicholas & Mayne, furniture manufacturers, were occupying the site and they remained there until at least the early 1960s.

by LinaFavrin on Aug. 8, 2019

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