Football in the streets of Port Melbourne

Football in Port Melbourne has not always just been played on the field. In July 1884, five Port Melbourne players appeared in the Police Court at Port Melbourne Town Hall, charged with “unlawfully playing a game, to wit, football,” on Bay Street. The court heard that on 4 July between 1pm and 2pm, the players were kicking a football to each other down the length of Bay Street opposite the town hall. Their ball went through a window of the house of local resident Michael Quinn, who “was annoyed by their play, and cautioned them, in a friendly manner, to desist.” The players were known to “frequently” play in Bay Street, and a witness also reported their playing in Spring Street as well. In light of the risk to “the public and to property,” the players were fined 1 shilling each. The streets of Port Melbourne saw plenty of informal games of football being played – including by local women and girls. The sight of girls playing football in nearby McCormack St in 1902 was unusual enough to be reported in the Port Melbourne Standard.

by laurenpiko on Sept. 12, 2017

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